Diabetics are prone to foot ulcerations due to both neurologic and vascular complications. Peripheral neuropathy can cause altered or complete loss of sensation in the foot or leg. The diabetic with advanced neuropathy looses all sharp-dull discrimination. Any cuts or trauma to the foot can go completely unnoticed for days or weeks in a patient with neuropathy. It's not uncommon to have a patient with neuropathy tell you that the ulcer "just appeared" when, in fact, the ulcer has been present for quite some time. The charcot foot deformity occurs as a result of decreased sensation. People with "normal" feeling in their feet automatically determine when too much pressure is being placed on an area of the foot. Once identified, our bodies instinctively shift position to relieve this stress. A patient with advanced neuropathy looses this important mechanism. As a result, tissue ischemia and necrosis may occur leading to plantar ulcerations. Microfractures in the bones of the foot go unnoticed and untreated, resulting in disfigurement, chronic swelling and additional bony prominences.
The most frequent underlying etiologies of diabetes foot ulcers are neuropathy, trauma, deformity, high plantar pressures, and peripheral arterial disease. Other factors in ulceration are ischemia, callus formation, and edema. Although infection is rarely implicated in the etiology of diabetic foot ulcers, the ulcers are susceptible to infection once the wound is present. Many of the risk factors for foot ulcer are also predisposing factors for amputation, because ulcers are primary causes leading to amputation.
Noni in Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Noni is rich with amino acids. Xeronine, the alkaloid of Noni enhances the enzyme activity and protein structure. Therefore it helps for tissue repairing and wound healing associated with diabetic gangrene.
Noni stimulates the body’s production of nitric oxide, a chemical which allows the blood vessels to dilate more easily and be more elastic. In other words it acts as a vaso dilator. The foot ulcer due to peripheral ischaemic condition can be controlled by Noni as it stimulates the body’s production of nitric oxide that act like a vaso dilator. White blood cells in the body use nitric oxide to kill infectious agents such as bacteria, fungi and parasites. Hence nitric oxide present in Noni also helps to prevent infection in case diabetes foot sores.
Scopoletin present in Noni have a wide potential action. It acts like a vasodilator as well as having anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties and thus helps in healing of the foot ulcers.
Acubin, L-asperuloside, and alizarin in the Noni fruit, as well as some other anthraquinone compounds in Noni, are all proven antibacterial agents. These compounds have been shown to fight against infectious bacteria strains such as, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Baciillis subtilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Shigela etc. These antibacterial elements within Noni help to control of the infections associated with diabetes ulcer.
Noni in Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Noni is rich with amino acids. Xeronine, the alkaloid of Noni enhances the enzyme activity and protein structure. Therefore it helps for tissue repairing and wound healing associated with diabetic gangrene.
Noni stimulates the body’s production of nitric oxide, a chemical which allows the blood vessels to dilate more easily and be more elastic. In other words it acts as a vaso dilator. The foot ulcer due to peripheral ischaemic condition can be controlled by Noni as it stimulates the body’s production of nitric oxide that act like a vaso dilator. White blood cells in the body use nitric oxide to kill infectious agents such as bacteria, fungi and parasites. Hence nitric oxide present in Noni also helps to prevent infection in case diabetes foot sores.
Scopoletin present in Noni have a wide potential action. It acts like a vasodilator as well as having anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties and thus helps in healing of the foot ulcers.
Acubin, L-asperuloside, and alizarin in the Noni fruit, as well as some other anthraquinone compounds in Noni, are all proven antibacterial agents. These compounds have been shown to fight against infectious bacteria strains such as, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Baciillis subtilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Shigela etc. These antibacterial elements within Noni help to control of the infections associated with diabetes ulcer.
Noni controls diabetes –
Xeronine, the alkaloid of Noni in the presence of insulin activate the peripheral cell membrane insulin receptors and helps for the normal intracellular absorption of glucose as well as corrects the intracellular post receptor defect of the action of insulin for carbohydrate metabolism and thus prevents the insulin resistance condition in Type – II Diabetes Mellitus condition.
Noni works as a ‘Healthy, Immune System Promoter –
Current studies have revealed that Noni may help promote a healthy immune system either by enhancing an already functioning system or by stimulating a sluggish one. Noni activating our body immune system may improve the non functioning beta cells of the pancreas to an active form to produce the normal insulin from the beta cells and also maintain a normal insulin level in the blood to the response of the carbohydrate diet.
Low Glycemic Index –
A 3:1 ratio of carbohydrates to fiber in Noni juice helps balance blood glucose level. With the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer the blood sugar should be within the normal range.
The body immunity power also has a major role in the healing process of diabetes foot ulcer. Noni boosts the body’s cell mediated immunity. It stimulate the thymus gland to secrets more T cells and thus increases the cells immunity.
Noni is rich with all major and micronutrients. It is a complete food supplements and provides all the essential nutrients to your body i.e. to your cells. Hence it is a cellular nutrition.
Noni works as a ‘Healthy, Immune System Promoter –
Current studies have revealed that Noni may help promote a healthy immune system either by enhancing an already functioning system or by stimulating a sluggish one. Noni activating our body immune system may improve the non functioning beta cells of the pancreas to an active form to produce the normal insulin from the beta cells and also maintain a normal insulin level in the blood to the response of the carbohydrate diet.
Low Glycemic Index –
A 3:1 ratio of carbohydrates to fiber in Noni juice helps balance blood glucose level. With the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer the blood sugar should be within the normal range.
The body immunity power also has a major role in the healing process of diabetes foot ulcer. Noni boosts the body’s cell mediated immunity. It stimulate the thymus gland to secrets more T cells and thus increases the cells immunity.
Noni is rich with all major and micronutrients. It is a complete food supplements and provides all the essential nutrients to your body i.e. to your cells. Hence it is a cellular nutrition.