Role Of NONI In Influenza

Influenza (commonly known as the flu) is one of the most feared and deadly infectious diseases. The severity of the infection and the duration of the illness, however, depend on several factors, including:

Resistance of the respiratory tract to oxidative stress associated with influenza infection, as well as its ability to mount a local immune/inflammatory response and its ability to manufacture and secrete antibodies
Level of immunity against that particular strain of influenza

Overall health of the person’s immune system
Antioxidant status
Overall nutritional and general health status

Role of Noni

There are two main types of flu viruses: influenza A and influenza B. The most serious and deadly flu outbreaks are caused by influenza A because of its ability to genetically shift into new forms against which no person has developed immunity. Infection with the flu begins with exposure of the upper respiratory tract to the virus. In infected cells, viral replication occurs 4 to 6 hours after infection, after which time the infected cell bursts, spreading the virus to nearby cells. The cycle then repeats, infecting more and more cells each time. This accounts for the incubation period for the flu, which ranges from about 18 to 72 hours, depending on the strain and the effectiveness of the body’s immune response. The more virulent the strain, and/or the weaker the host's immunity, the sooner the cycle of cell death and viral spread produces noticeable symptoms. People who have weak immune systems, such as the elderly, sick people, or young children, can therefore be quickly overwhelmed by strong strains of the virus.

Noni is a great immune enhancer. Noni stimulates the release of various cytokines mediator of the immune system of our body like


Interferon – gamma

Nitric oxide

Tumour necrosis factor

Natural killer cells
At the same time that this nonspecific response is occurring, the body is creating specific antibodies to recognize and destroy that particular strain of flu virus in the future. The body’s immune system relies on T-cells and B-cells, which are coded to identify specific antigens (invaders) and stimulate a more effective and rapid immune response in the event of future infection. In the case of the influenza virus, antibodies against the flu are detected in the second week after primary infection. These antibodies will help protect against similar strains of the flu in the future. New strains, such as those created by genetic shifting, retain their full power.

Antioxidant property of Noni
Endogenous antioxidants and role of Noni

Our body has evolved with endogenous defense mechanisms to protect against free radical induced cell damage. Glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and Superoxide dismutases are three primary antioxidant enzymes in our body, which involved in direct elimination of free radicals or reactive oxygen species from our body. They require micronutrient such as selenium, iron, copper, zinc, and manganese as cofactors for their formation and optimum catalytic and effective antioxidant activity. Noni contain all the trace minerals that help for optimum catalytic activity of those three important antioxidant enzymes for an effective antioxidant defense mechanism.

Glutathione, ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene, bilirubin, selenium, dihydrolipoic acid, reduced CoQ10, melatonin, uric acid etc., as a whole play a homoeostatic or protective role against ROS produced during normal cellular metabolism and after active oxidation insult. Noni contains all the above phyto chemicals and vitamins in abundant quantity. Glutathione (GSH) is the most significant component which directly quenches Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) such as lipid peroxides and plays major role in xenobiotic metabolism. Glutathione is a tripeptide made up of the amino acids gamma-glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine. Noni contain all those glutathione making amino acids in abundant number. Thus Noni increases the body’s glutathione level. Noni stimulates more melatonin secretion from the pineal body. It also maintains ascorbate (vitamin C) and alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E), in their reduced form, which also exert an antioxidant effect by quenching free radicals.

Exogenous antioxidants: Contribution from Noni
A number of other dietary antioxidants known as phytonutrients or phytochemicals that are being increasingly appreciated for their antioxidant activity. One example is flavonoids which are a group of polyphenolic compounds. They are responsible for the different brilliant colors such as blue, scarlet, and orange. Noni contain 150 above phytochemicals including all flavonoids. Flavonoids exhibit several biological effects such as antitumoural, anti-ischaemic, anti-allergic, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-ulcerative, and anti inflammatory activities. Noni is rich with many flavonoids.

Noni has antiviral, antimicrobial, anticancer, and immune-enhancing effects. Noni may stimulate macrophages, which in turn may help induce cell-mediated immunity. Noni has been shown to inhibit bacteria and viruses and stimulate the immune system.
Nutrition has recently been singled out as the most important factor in resistance to influenza infection.

Ten Rules of Success

This is an article taken from Trump University.

Top Ten Rules of Success
by Donald J. Trump

If you've heard me speak, you may have noticed I emphasize several things repeatedly - never give up is one, being passionate is another, keeping focused is up there, and keeping your momentum runs a close fourth. I've learned those things from experience.
Here's the complete top 10 list I give when I speak at colleges:

1. Never give up! Do not settle for remaining in your comfort zone. Remaining complacent is a good way to get nowhere.

2. Be passionate! If you love what you're doing, it will never seem like work.

3. Be focused! Ask yourself: What should I be thinking about right now? Shut out interference. In this age of multitasking, this is a valuable technique to acquire.

4. Keep your momentum! Listen, apply and move forward. Do not procrastinate.

5. See yourself as victorious! That will focus you in the right direction.

6. Be tenacious! Being stubborn can work wonders.

7. Be lucky! The old saying, "The harder I work, the luckier I get" is absolutely right on.

8. Believe in yourself! If you don't, no one else will either. Think of yourself as a one-man or one-woman army.

9. Ask yourself: What am I pretending not to see? There may be some great opportunities right around you, even if things aren't looking so great. Great adversity can turn into great victory.

10. Look at the solution, not the problem. And never give up! Never never never give up. This thought deserves to be said (and remembered and applied) many times. It's that important.

Good luck!