Taming Nasal Allergies

6 Daily Habits That May Make You Sick
WebMD Feature By Lisa Zamosky. Reviewed By Michael W. Smith, MD

From the kitchen to the backyard, WebMD uncovers common household activities that could affect your health.
They say that home is where the heart is. But what you may not know is that it's also where 65% of colds and more than half of food-borne illnesses are contracted. The things we do around the house every day have a big impact on both our long- and short-term health. Here are six common household activities that may be making you sick.
1. Using a Sponge
The dirtiest room in everybody's home is the kitchen, says Phillip Tierno, PhD, director of clinical microbiology and diagnostic immunology at the New York University Langone Medical Center and author of The Secret Life of Germs. "That's because we deal with dead animal carcasses on our countertops and in the sink." Raw meat can carry E. coli and salmonella, among other viruses and bacteria.
Most people clean their countertops and table after a meal with the one tool found in almost all kitchens: the sponge. In addition to sopping up liquids and other messes, the kitchen sponge commonly carries E. coli and fecal bacteria, as well as many other microbes. "It's the single dirtiest thing in your kitchen, along with a dishrag," says Tierno.
Ironically, the more you attempt to clean your countertops with a sponge, the more germs you're spreading around. "People leave [the sponge] growing and it becomes teeming with [millions of] bacteria, and that can make you sick and become a reservoir of other organisms that you cross-contaminate your countertops with, your refrigerator, and other appliances in the kitchen," Tierno explains.
Solution: Tierno suggests dipping sponges into a solution of bleach and water before wiping down surfaces. "That is the best and cheapest germicide money can buy -- less than a penny to make the solution -- so that you can clean your countertops, cutting boards, dishrags, or sponges after each meal preparation."
In addition, once you've used your sponge, be sure to let it air-dry. Dryness kills off organisms. Another way to keep bacteria from building up in your sponge is to microwave it for one to two minutes each week. "Put a little water in a dish and put the sponge in that," Tierno advises. "That will boil and distribute the heat evenly [throughout the sponge] and kill the bacteria."
2. Vacuuming
Conventional vacuum cleaners are intended to pick up and retain big pieces of dirt, like the dust bunnies we see floating about on our floors. But it's the tiny dust particles that pass right through the porous vacuum bags and up into the air. So, while our floors may look cleaner after running a vacuum over them, plenty of dust, which can exacerbate allergies, remains.
Pet allergens and indoor dust, which contains the highest concentrations of hazardous materials like heavy metals, lead, pesticides, and other chemicals, are found in higher concentrations in the smallest particles of the dust, explains David MacIntosh, MD. He is principal scientist at Environmental Health & Engineering (EH&E), an environmental consulting and engineering services firm based in Needham, Mass.
"The everyday habit of cleaning with a conventional vacuum cleaner results in a burst of particles in the air and then they settle back down over the course of hours," says MacIntosh.
Solution: Look for a vacuum cleaner with a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. Unlike those in conventional vacuums, HEPA filters are able to retain the small particles and prevent them from passing through and contaminating the air you breathe in your home.
3. Sleeping With Pillows and a Mattress
The average person sheds about 1.5 million skin cells per hour and perspires one quart every day even while doing nothing, says Tierno. The skin cells accumulate in our pillows and mattresses and dust mites grow and settle.
If that's not gross enough for you, Tierno explains that a mattress doubles in weight every 10 years because of the accumulation of human hair, bodily secretions, animal hair and dander, fungal mold and spores, bacteria, chemicals, dust, lint, fibers, dust mites, insect parts, and a variety of particulates, including dust mite feces. After five years, 10% of the weight of a pillow is dust mites. This is what you're inhaling while you sleep.
"What you're sleeping on can exacerbate your allergies," says Tierno.
Solution: Cover your mattress, box springs, and pillows with impervious outer covers.
"Allergy-proof coverings seal the mattress and pillow, preventing anything from getting in or out, which protects you," Tierno says. He also suggests that you wash your sheets weekly in hot water. Make sure the temperature range of the water is between 130 to 150 F.
4. Grilling Meat
So much for the summertime staple: Barbecuing meat creates the cancer-causing compounds polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heterocyclic amines (HCAs). When fat drips from the meat onto the hot grill, catches fire, and produces smoke, PAHs form. That's what's contained in that delicious-looking charred mark we all look for on our burger. HCAs form when meat is cooked at a high temperature, which can occur during an indoor cooking process as well.
Solution: "Limiting your outdoor cooking, using tin foil, or microwaving the meat first is a sensible precaution," says Michael Thun, MD. He is emeritus vice president for epidemiology and surveillance research with the American Cancer Society.
Wrapping meat in foil with holes poked in it allows fat to drip off, but limits the amount of fat that hits the flames and comes back onto the meat, Thun tells WebMD. Some of the excess fat can also be eliminated by first microwaving meat and choosing cuts of meat that are leaner. There's some evidence that marinating meat may lower the amount of HCAs formed.
5. Opening Your Windows
When the weather turns nice, many of us throw open our windows to breathe in the fresh spring air. But that may be an unhealthy move, considering the combination of seasonal allergies and poor air quality of many cities throughout the U.S. According to a recent report by the American Lung Association, 60% of Americans are breathing unhealthy air. And the pollution inside our homes may be worse than outdoors. The Environmental Protection Agency lists poor indoor air quality as the fourth largest environmental threat to our country. Bacteria, molds, mildew, tobacco smoke, viruses, animal dander, house dust mites, and pollen are among the most common household pollutants.
Solution: Shut the windows and run the air conditioner. All air-conditioning systems have a filter that protects the mechanical equipment and keeps them clean of debris.
"Pollen and mold spores that have made their way indoors will be run through the air-conditioning system and taken out of the air as they go through the duct work," MacIntosh says.
But much like with the vacuum cleaner, these filters can only capture the largest particles. "The conventional filters just pick up big things, such as hair or cob webs," says MacIntosh. "Filters intended to remove the inhalable particles, which are very small, exist on the market and some are very effective."
They may also be worth the investment. A recent study published in The New England Journal of Medicine showed that cleaner air might add as much as five months to a person's life.
Tierno says that air purification systems are important, particularly in a bedroom where bacteria are teeming.
6. Sitting in Front of the TV
Sitting in front of the television has become a national pastime and one of our least healthy behaviors, particularly because we often do it while snacking on food that is high in calories.
"When you're sitting there in a trance, you can really pack on some calories," says Thun. "Today, more than one-third of the U.S. population qualifies as obese and one-third qualifies as overweight. Thirteen million Americans are morbidly obese."
Excess body weight puts us at greater risk for heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and a host of other diseases, Thun says. "That poses a greater health risk than the toxic cleansers under our sinks."
Solution: Turn off the TV, put away the bag of chips, and go for a walk.

7 Natural Ways to Ease Back Pain

By CRegal

We look at 7 natural methods you can use to ease both chronic and acute back pain. Medications aren't the only answer.

Many back pain sufferers believe over-the-counter and prescription painkillers or surgery are the only ways to treat chronic back pain. But there a number of natural ways people can ease back pain, as well.

We look at seven natural methods you can use to ease both chronic and acute back pain.

Capsaicin Cream
Capsaicin is the substance in chili peppers that gives them their red-hot "burn" when you eat them. Researchers have found that when this substance is used in a cream and smoothed onto the skin, it reduces the levels of a neurochemical compound that transmits pain signals.

In a recent study, pain sufferers who were given capsaicin cream experienced more pain relief than those who were given a placebo.

Willow Bark
The bark of the white willow tree (Salix alba) contains a substance called salicin, which the body can convert to salicylic acid. This is the same compound that aspirin becomes once it's been metabolized by the body.

Salicylic acid is believed to be the active compound in aspirin that relieves pain and inflammation, making white willow tree bark a possible natural alternative to the painkiller.

Vitamin B12
There is some evidence that vitamin B12 may help relieve back pain.

In a recent study, Italian researchers gave either vitamin B12 or a placebo to people who suffered from lower back pain. They found that the vitamin B12 users experienced a statistically significant reduction in their level of pain and disability. They were also less likely to use painkillers than those given the placebo.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice designed to unlock energy pathways that are causing pain.

British researchers found that pain sufferers who received acupuncture reported less pain and less worry about their pain compared to people receiving standard care. After two years, the acupuncture group was significantly more likely to report being pain-free and less likely to use painkillers.

Chiropractors use spinal manipulation to restore joint mobility and relieve pain.

To do this, these doctors of chiropractics manually apply a controlled force to joints that have become damaged or constrained by muscle injury, inflammation, and pain. These "adjustments" have been found in many studies to relieve pain and muscle tightness and encourage healing.

Yoga is the practice of physical postures or poses that are designed to have specific effects on the mind, body, and spirit.

A study of people with chronic mild low back pain compared patients who did Iyengar yoga to those who received only back education. After 16 weeks, investigators found that there was a significant reduction in pain, disability, and use of pain medication in the people who did yoga.

Balneotherapy is a type of water therapy, and it is one of the oldest forms of pain relief. This type of therapy involves bathing or soaking in warm water or mineral water to relieve pain.

A recent study looked at balneotherapy's effectiveness for low back pain and found promising pain-relieving benefits. But balneotherapy may not be for everyone. People with heart disease should not use it unless they are under the supervision of a physician.

7 Surprising Causes of Back Pain

By HealthCentral Editorial Staff

Carrying a wallet in your back pocket can trigger back pain by pressing on the sciatic nerve when you're seated.

To avoid this back pain trigger, try carrying your wallet in a front pocket or taking your wallet out of your back pocket when you sit down.

Overexertion can hurt your back, but sitting still for long periods of time can also trigger back pain. The body likes to be in motion, so sitting still for extended periods can lead to stiffness and aches.

Cell phones
Long periods of cell phone use cause you to arch your neck and hold your body in a strange posture. This can lead to back pain.

Pain due to cell phone use doesn't end there, either. People who text a lot can also develop pain in their thumbs and wrists!

Just as sitting on a couch for extended periods can lead to back pain, so can driving long distances. Not only are you sitting, but you're often holding yourself in the same position, not even able to move your arms or legs in any significant way.

If your car has cruise control, try using this feature. It can at least allow you to shift your sitting position and stretch your legs.

Computer bags
Laptop bags are designed to be thrown over the shoulder so that the user can be "on the go" with ease.

But carrying a laptop bag -- even one that holds just a small laptop -- over one shoulder can throw off the body's balance and lead to back and neck pain.

Flip flops and sandals
Light shoes such as flip flops and sandals may make a great fashion statement, but they're very hard on your feet and back.

To avoid back pain caused by your shoes, try something with better arch support that offers more stability for your feet.

Smoking is perhaps one of the most surprising causes of back pain.

Smoking reduces the flow of oxygen to your working muscles. This weakens the back and makes it more easily injured when you're doing physical work.

5 Tips For Eating Well on Vacation

By Maryann Tomovich Jacobsen, MS, RD

“You are on vacation, so save your diet for when you get back.” This is what the cruise director told us the first night of my cruise vacation – and it’s not the sort of advice I would dole out.
Because I’m on the cruise right now, I thought it would be a good time to address eating well on vacation. Here are my top five tips:
1) Be intuitive: No doubt vacation is the time to eat differently. You are away from home and experiencing different foods; most are more indulgent than you normally eat. But there is no need to overeat at every meal.
Instead of trying to eat healthy or stuffing yourself, enjoy the meals but notice feelings of hunger and satiety, and stop when comfortably full. The good thing about vacations, like a cruise, is there are plenty of chances to eat again.
2) Stay active: Vacations are a great time to get in exercise. Not only does this help you feel better, it keeps you moving more at a time you are probably eating more than you normally world. And this doesn’t have to be gym workouts. Dance at night, go for long walks, and simply find ways to move your body more.
3) Sneak in produce: Look for opportunities to eat more fruits and vegetables, whether it is in your hotel room or at a buffet or restaurant. For example, we are chomping on apples and bananas in between meals instead of going for the overly filling snacks here on the ship. This means we have good appetites for lunch and dinner.
4) Focus on variety: My daughter keeps declaring that she wants donuts every morning, but I keep reminding her about the importance of variety. So one day it might be donuts but the next day is something else, like an omelet.
The more variety in food choices, the more opportunities there are to up the nutrition and discover something new. Thanks to this variety mantra, my daughter has added a few new foods to her repertoire, like shrimp.
5. Enjoy eating: For me, eating well is always about enjoyment. So when it comes to vacation, I say take the time to eat quality food, socialize, and focus on the wonderful meal someone else prepared. But this is not about eating too much because you can, like the cruise director implied, it’s about slowing down and paying attention.
I have to admit, by the end of vacation, I’m always eager to get back to my normal eating routine. How do you eat on vacation?