7 Foods That Aren't as Healthy as You Think
When your family bites into a fresh fruit or a steamed vegetable, you know you're serving up something that’s good for them. But beyond that, it's hard to be sure. Even if the package says that a food is healthy or loaded with all kinds of vitamins and minerals, check the label. It may be full of other things your family doesn't need. Some foods, like these seven, may not be as healthy as you think.
Raisin Bran
Even though some kinds can be high in fiber, this whole-grain cereal can be loaded with sugar in part because the raisins often are coated with sugar.
Angela Lemond, RD, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, suggests making your own because raisins are naturally sweet and store-bought versions often add more raisins that you need.
"It's better to buy plain bran flakes and sprinkle a tablespoon of raisins into your serving," she says.
Many cereals, including raisin bran, are also surprisingly high in salt. "People don't realize it because of the sweet flavor," says Lilian Cheung, DSc, RD, director of health promotion and communication in the Nutrition Department at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Look for cereals that have less than 300 milligrams of sodium and 8 grams (about 2 teaspoons) of sugar per serving.
Better yet, make oatmeal using steel-cut oats. They are a whole grain and have no sodium or sugar that you may find in instant varieties. Add fruit or a teaspoon or two of honey if you like.
Low-Fat Salad Dressing
"Low fat," "reduced fat," and "fat free" processed foods like salad dressings, peanut butter, and snacks like crackers can have added sugar or salt. Why? To make up for a lack of flavor because fats are missing.
You may even gain unhealthy weight eating them. "Sometimes they're actually higher in calories than full-fat versions," Lemond says. Carbohydrates from sugar often take the place of fat in these foods. Your body digests these faster than fats, making you feel hungrier sooner.
Cheung suggests mixing your own salad dressing. Use oils that have healthy fats.
"Don't be afraid of healthy fats," Cheung says. "Olive, canola, safflower, corn, soya bean, and peanut oils are rich in heart-healthy unsaturated fats."
To make your own dressing, mix olive oil and balsamic vinegar or lemon juice. Use it to dress up a salad or roasted vegetables.
Ground Turkey
Ground turkey can be healthy, but some is ground whole turkey, which has more fat than the breast. When shopping, check the label to see that it is ground from either turkey breast or 97% to 99% lean turkey meat.
A surprising alternative? Extra lean ground beef can be healthier even than lean ground turkey. It’s lower in cholesterol.
But extra lean beef can be dry, so it's best for browning and crumbling into foods like tacos and spaghetti sauce. When shopping, look for labels that say 96% lean and less than 2 grams of saturated fat per serving.
Before you order that orange-mango smoothie, check out the nutrition information. Many 12- and 16-ounce fruit smoothies have nearly a 1/4 cup, or 12 teaspoons of sugar. A few have as much as 18 teaspoons. That’s as much sugar as in a milkshake.
How does so much sugar wind up in smoothies? Some of it is from natural sugars found in fruits. But some store-made smoothies are made with a lot of juice, flavored syrups, or even sorbet. That adds sugar and calories without the benefits of fiber that you’d get from a smoothie made with only frozen fruit chunks and ice. The fiber in fruit helps keep you and the kids feeling full.
When your family is craving something fast and fruity, reach for a piece of fruit.
If smoothies are a must every now and then, make them at home to save money and calories. Blend fresh or frozen fruit, ice, plain yogurt, and a teaspoon of honey.
Gluten-Free Foods
People who have celiac disease, a disease where gluten from wheat damages their digestive system, need to follow gluten-free diets to stay in good health. But if you don't have celiac disease, there's no need to go gluten-free.
Experts say many gluten-free foods -- especially processed ones -- are another sugar trap.
"Taking out the gluten removes much of the taste," Lemond says. "Sugar is added to make it taste better."
Eating many gluten-free foods can also mean skimping on some nutrients.
"Removing wheat, rye, oats, or barley often removes the B vitamins, minerals, and fiber," Lemond says. The bottom line: Don't go gluten-free for your health unless you can't digest wheat, barley, or other grains. Your doctor can test your or family members for celiac disease.
If you have celiac disease, see a registered dietitian to make sure you eat a balanced diet. If you don’t need to go gluten-free, remember whole grains are better than refined. Read ingredients lists. Buy breads, pastas, or crackers that list a whole grain first.
Sports Drinks
Kids and parents sometimes think sports drinks are “healthy” because they see famous athletes on TV drinking them. But unless you or your kids are exercising very hard for an hour or more, you don't need a sports drink. You'll be fine just drinking water.
Why skip them? In addition to electrolytes like salts and minerals, sports drinks also have sugar added. Why drink those empty calories you and your family worked so hard to burn?
A single serving of a sports drink or vitamin water may have about 3 teaspoons of sugar. But people don't usually drink one serving.
"Most bottles contain nutrition information for one serving only, but the bottle itself often contains 2 or more servings," Cheung says. "So you have to do the math to find out how much sugar you’re really drinking."
For an average 20-ounce bottle, that's 32 grams or more of sugar.
Flavored Yogurt and Granola
If that's your ideal breakfast, you may just need to tweak it a bit. Both store-bought granola and flavored yogurt (even reduced fat) are high in unhealthy added sugar.
Serve your family reduced-fat, plain yogurt instead. For flavor and texture, add fresh fruit and sprinkle it with oats, walnuts, flaxseeds, or chia seeds.
If you're set on store-bought granola, read the label. Sugar should not be among the first few ingredients.
WebMD Feature By Camille Peri
Reviewed By Hansa D. Bhargava, MD