The Therioes Behind Noni's Effectiveness in Human BodyThere have been several theories presented over the past few decades to help explain why drinking Noni juice may produce a wide range of positive health responses in the human body:
One proposed explanation is related to the mystical alkaloid called “xeronine”, that is proposed to work at the cellular level to modify and strengthen the structure of proteins in our cells.
Another theory is that Noni contains a selection of polysaccharide compounds that are able to stimulate and enhance the body’s own natural immune system.
Noni has also been shown to encourage the body to produce nitric oxide that may aid in fighting tumors and viral, bacterial and parasitic infections.
The common theme running through these theories is that Noni acts as a catalyst in the human body for production of the body’s own natural functions to achieve and maintain optimal health. This natural health boost makes drinking Noni juice an excellent compliment to any diet.
The "Xeronine System" a New Biochemical System
The “Xeronine System” was the term created for the first scientific explanation of Noni fruit's effectiveness in aiding the healing of a diverse number of ailments and diseases in the human body. A scientist by the name of Dr. Ralph Heinicke originally began to formulate the idea of a new bio-system he named the Xeronine System while working in Hawaii at the Pineapple Research Institute during the 1950’s.
The Discovery of Xeronine in Hawaiian Pineapples![](
During this time, Dr. Heinicke was hired to find a new method to isolate bromelain enzymes from pineapples to be sold to companies in a variety of industries that included the food and pharmaceutical industries. Dating back to the 18th Century, bromelain is one of the earliest known enzymes used for tenderizing meat. Before Dr. Heinicke, many people had attempted to isolate bromelain but failed. It was not until the early 1950’s when he solved the problem in his research of the pineapple and was able to get a patent assigned to the Pineapple Research Institute, that the bromelain enzyme could be produced commercially.
Reports from customers started to come in of unexpected and beneficial medicinal effects that bromelain extracts were producing in their bodies. It was determined that an unknown active ingredient must be present in bromelain and causing the desirable actions in those who had been taking it. Through continued research, Dr. Heinicke discovered a substance that he called “proxeronine”. He did not know how it worked, only that it clearly contributed to bromelain extract’s therapeutic effects. Heinicke eventually found that proxeronine, combined with another enzyme he called “proxeroninase”, formed an active ingredient in the body that was not a protein, carbohydrate or fat, but a substance known as an alkaloid, a nitrogenous organic molecule that has a pharmacological effect on humans and other mammals.
Dr. Heinicke was able to isolate the alkaloid into a pure state and found it to be a dry crystalline structure, so he used the Latin prefix “xero” meaning “dry” as the first part of the new name, and due to its alkaline nature, he added the suffix “ine” to make the word “Xeronine,” which means dry alkaline compound. Heinicke proposed that when released in the body, Xeronine works at the molecular level to repair damaged cells by regulating the rigidity and shape of proteins at the cellular level of the body.
The Dole Pineapple Company began to market and produce commercial bromelain extracts and wanted to be the market leader, so Dr. Heinicke was asked by the company’s president to watch for other natural products that a competitor could use to produce the same pharmacological actions in people. At the time, 1956, the only other plant known to rival bromelain potency was Noni fruit, but because it was not commercially grown, Dr. Heinicke did not see it as a competitor. In further research, Dr. Heinicke found Noni fruit to be the most abundant source of proxeronine available in a plant, containing 40 times more proxeronine than pineapples. He also found Noni to contain one other enzyme, proxeronase, that combines with proxeronine in the intestine to create Xeronine.
The Effect of Xeronine in The Human Body
The proteins in your body’s cells are made up of organic material. Some of these hold you together like your skin, hair, and bones. Others at the cellular level, are the functional proteins that help cells do work such as enzymes, hormones, antibodies and cell membrane receptors. Xeronine is believed to have profound effects on the functional proteins in your body that may explain the broad influence Noni has on the different systems in your body.
How does all this aid sick cells? It was not until Dr. Heinicke came together with a medical doctor, Dr. Neil Solomon, that the application of this knowledge was made to the healing of disease. Dr. Heinicke and Dr. Solomon, who received his clinical training in medicine at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland combined forces to develop the “Heinicke-Solomon Theory”. The theory explains from a medical perspective how Noni juice is converted in the body to produce Xeronine that is theorized to help sick cells resume normal function.
The Heinicke-Solomon Theory Explains the Beneficial Effects of Noni
According to their Heinicke-Solomon Theory, when Noni juice is consumed, it first travels through the digestive tract into the liver. Whenever any food is digested, the liver sorts out what the body will absorb and what will be eliminated, such as toxins. In the case of Noni juice, the proxeronine gathers in the liver and is packaged with other bio-chemicals, then released to the rest of the body through the blood. In theory, at the cellular level of your body, the Golgi Apparatus (GA) plays the central role in aiding a sick or malfunctioning cell. In cell biology, the GA is found in most cells including plants, animals and fungi. The primary function of the GA is to process proteins and functions as a central delivery system for the cell.
Once in the GA, the proxeronine and other bio-chemicals are combined and sent out to the sick cell. The “package” of biochemicals is unpacked and the proxeronine is combined with the enzyme, proxerionase, that is then converted to Xeronine. The creation of the Xeronine alkaloid is what is believed to create the adaptogenic compound used to help a specific cell to regain a state of homeostasis that leads the body back to a balanced state of health. The theory suggests Noni’s natural ability to create an adaptive resistance at the cellular level in the human body may help abnormally functioning or damaged cells to reach a balanced state and resume normal function while allowing healthy functioning cells to resist adverse influences from biochemical factors to maintain normal function.