Get the Right Product, Say NO to Fakes!

For further alert on the product that have been using our Trademark and Licences, below is a report made with the KKM. The products describe are actually different from our products in terms of manufacturer, registered license holder and have no KKM approval hologram sticker on the box.This is clear violation of the law.

We have found out that there is another company marketing and selling two products similar to ours (Black Hair Magic Shampoo and FED-Noni Leaven, using our KKM approved license. They are selling this two product in Malaysia and also oversea. Their action is illegal, and numerous report have been made with KKM.

FED-Noni was approved by Drug Control Authority under Ministry of Health Malaysia (KKM) under the Control of Drug and Cosmetic Regulations 1984 Regulation 8(8). The Certificate No. MAL09122045TC for product FED-Noni and the BSY Fed Noni Logo belong to Bio Swan Incorporated Sdn Bhd (822175-U). This product is manufactured by TST Bioceutical Sdn Bhd (703290-P).

Black Hair Magic was approved by Director of Pharmaceutical Services under Ministry of Health Malaysia (KKM) under the Control of Drug and Cosmetic Regulations 2007 Regulation 29A. The Notification No. NOT101102441K for Product Black Hair Magic belong to Biotech BSY Sdn Bhd (868745-T).

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