Noni works as Cancer-Inhibitor

Noni’s effect on cancer most likely deals with the fact that both Noni and cancer work on a cellular level. In other words, Noni enhances cellular structure while cancer, of course, destroys it. One of Noni’s key components, proxeronine, is sent to “sick” cells within the body by the Golgi apparatus and reticuloendothelium. These sick cells attract Proxeronine and an enzyme, Proxeroninease. The interaction creates Xeronine, the cellular enhancer. Several other studies have been performed in laboratories in order to validate Morinda citrifolia’s cancer-fighting abilities.
In one such study, four Japanese scientists injected RAS cells (cells that are precursors to many malignant growths) with a substance called Damnacanthal found in Morinda citrifolia. They observed that the injection significantly inhibited the RAS cells from reproducing. Proxeronine and Damnacanthal are substances within Morinda citrifolia that are believed to be anti-cancer agents.

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