NONI Helps Relieve Migraine Headache

Migraines are classified as either "common" or "classic". Common migraines do not have any warning symptoms, while classic migraines do have a warning (the aura). Most migraine patients have the common type.

The exact cause of migraine is not known. Migraine headaches are related to problems with blood flow through parts of the brain. At the start of a migraine, blood vessels in certain areas of the brain constrict (narrow), leading to symptoms like visual disturbances, difficulty speaking, weakness, or numbness. Minutes to hours later, the blood vessels dilate (enlarge), leading to increased blood flow in the brain and a bad headache.

Chronic stress negatively impacts many of the body's functions. Migraine headache is one among them.

Nutrition and Stress

The role of nutrition plays a greater role in stress management. Along with other certain nutrients, Noni is key element in combating stress.

To help manage this automatic chemical process that our body experience when we are face with either a physical or mental stressor, we have to keep and maintain our optimal internal well being intact. This is only possible when each of our organs is running smoothly. Since organs are made of cells, then cellular health is of extreme importance in maintaining optimal internal well-being.

NONI Juice Helps Relieve Cellular Stress.

Our autonomic bodily functions, systems and organs, expect to have the necessary neutraceuticals, including, but not limited to vitamins, minerals, proteins proper dietary and plant nutrition, that is absolutely mandatory for continuing peak performance. When these organs and systems don’t get exactly what the need, they go into a state of degeneration, followed by debilitating subtle stress.

Sick stressed out cells find relief with Noni juice. The unlimited essential nutraceuticals present in Noni get inside the sick stressed cell and repaired it.


NONI juice rejuvenates the cells of the body, in addition to vital organs and glands. This rejuvenation is mainly due to a substance called xeronine. According extensive research by Dr. Ralph Heinicke one vital element called proxeronine found in NONI juice which is converted to xeronine in our body. This xeronine is distributed to cells within the body through the Golgi apparatus. Dr. Neil Solomon illustrates how xeronine is distributed in the body by using the image of a mail carrier getting letters to the correct address. The Golgi apparatus is the mail carrier carrying the xeronine to all the addresses of sick cell that are in need of xeronine. Xeronine is necessary for the body to strengthen and repair cells in all of the body’s organs. In a very important laboratory experiment, Dr. Ralph Heinicke showed that 100 percent of the mice who were fed purified xeronine along with the deadly poison tetrodotoxin, survived. Conversely, 100 percent of the mice who were fed just tetrodotoxin died. These other results from his work show xeronine’s ability to rejuvenate and repair cells.

Antioxidant treatment may benefit migraine sufferers

Antioxidants are substances that help prevent cell damage in the body caused by circulating free radicals, which attack molecules crucial for cell function.

To investigate whether antioxidants may benefit people with migraines, Dr Sirichai Chayasirisobhon, from the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Anaheim, California, USA, studied twelve patients with a long history of migraines who had failed to respond to headache medications.

The frequency and severity of migraine attacks, as well as their impact on the everyday lives of the participants, were measured at the start and the end of the 3-month study period.

Results revealed that there was an average 50% improvement in migraine disability scores among the participants by the end of the study.

The antioxidant treatment was also associated with around an average 50% fall in the number of "headache days" experienced by the participants and a significant reduction in the severity of the condition.

Dr Chayasirisobhon concluded: "These data suggest that the antioxidant therapy used in this study may be beneficial in the treatment of migraine possibly reducing headache frequency and severity".

Noni as an Antioxidant

Antioxidants can neutralize free radical attacks and are especially important as we age. During any challenge to your immune system—because of disease, infections, toxic exposure, stress or aging—you need extra antioxidants to help scavenge the free radicals naturally produced by the immune system's cells during warfare.

Until recently, scientists believed that each antioxidant worked separately in the body, independently of the others. We now know that isn't true. Current research demonstrates that key antioxidants and their co-factor nutrients work synergistically with one another in the body. Antioxidants work together in the body—not alone. Noni is the most powerful antioxidants. It contains all key anti oxidants and their co-factors. Noni contain all the vitamins, trace minerals, and 150 above phytonutrients. That makes Noni a powerful antioxidant to fight against the free radical damage to our body.

Noni is extremely high in anti – oxidants, and it has a most important anti-oxidant quality in the body. Anti-oxidants help to prevent the destruction of cells from excessive oxidation, super oxides, and free radicals.

Our autonomic bodily functions, systems and organs, expect to have the necessary neutraceuticals including, but not limited to vitamins, minerals, proteins, proper dietary and plant nutrition. Noni in the cells lessens the oxidative stress of DNA, thus preventing mutant protein synthesis, age related diseases and rapid aging, and this promotes a long quality, disease free life.

Poor nutrition, coupled with high levels of stress for long periods of time, is definitely a cause for illness. When we are under stress, our body releases the stress hormone cortisol, corticosteroids and other internals steroids. These hormones then cause the proinflammatory immune factor (IL-6) to be excreted. IL-6 exacerbates auto immune conditions. The powerful inflammatory immune factor also pulls calcium from the bones into the arteries, thus causing arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, as well as osteoporosis. It also destroys the individuals’ vitamin K. Noni, the miracle plant from paradise, has over 150 phytonutraceuticals, including calcium. In addition, as an adaptogen, Noni allows the body’s biochemistry to react more positively to the hormones and other substances released during a stress response.

Superior Antioxidant Support

Noni is superior to other antioxidants because its protective effects are multiplied in the body: while it provides its own, powerful antioxidant protection, it also supports the dynamic interplay between other antioxidants in the body. Noni ability to “recycle,” or regenerate vitamins C and E after they have quenched free radicals vastly extends their unique antioxidant powers, helping the body to maintain its synergistic antioxidant balance.

Noni is rapidly absorbed and very quickly distributed throughout the body. As a free radical fighter, Noni comes to the aid of the body more quickly than other antioxidants, reducing the potential for free radical damage and the ravages of aging. Noni also possesses more reactive sites for neutralizing free radicals than other known antioxidants. Furthermore, Noni permits reactivity with both positively and negatively charged free radical species. What this means is that Noni can “quench” or “scavenge” (neutralize) a broad variety of free radicals. Highly reactive as an antioxidant in both lipid (fat) and aqueous (water) phases, Noni neutralizes oxygen free radicals and is a valuable protector of healthy cells in a variety of internal conditions. This is a unique property among antioxidants, as most work either in lipid or aqueous phases, but not both. Research shows that Noni can regulate nitric oxide and quench superoxide and the hydroxyl radical. This is extremely important. Of all the free radicals formed in the body, the hydroxyl radical is the most dangerous because it can directly attack DNA. As a free radical scavenger, Noni is like an antioxidant prize fighter that can successfully take on all challengers, big or small, in any kind of weather.

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