Noni & Toothache

A toothache is generally the result of tooth decay or sometimes an infection. Tooth decay is often caused by poor dental hygiene, although the tendency to get tooth decay is partly inherited. Sometimes, pain in other locations is perceived as occurring in the teeth (this is called referred pain or radiating pain).
Common Causes
  • Tooth decay
  • Abscessed tooth
  • Earache
  • Injury to the jaw or mouth
  • Heart attack (can include jaw pain, neck pain, or toothache)
  • Sinusitis
Role of Noni
Noni has been reported to have a broad range of health benefits for various diseases and complains.
Major components – Noni contains all the vitamins like Vitamin A , Vitamin B complex, vitamin C, Vitamin E. It contains all the trace minerals. A number of major components have been identified in the Noni plant such as scopoletin, octoanoic acid, potassium, vitamin C, terpenoids, alkaloids, anthraquinones (such as nordamnacanthal, morindone, rubiadin, and rubiadin-1-methyl ether, anthraquinone glycoside), sitosterol, carotene, vitamin A, flavone glycosides, linoleic acid, Alizarin, amino acids, acubin, L-asperuloside, caproic acid, caprylic acid, ursolic acid, rutin, and a putative proxeronine.

Antibacterial Activity.
Acubin, L-asperuloside, and alizarin in the Noni fruit, as well as some other anthraquinone compounds in Noni roots, are all proven antibacterial agents. These compounds have been shown to fight against infectious bacteria strains such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus morgaii, Staphylococcus aureus, Baciillis subtilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Shigela. These antibacterial elements within Noni are responsible for the treatment of skin infections, colds, fevers, and other bacterial-caused health problem.

Cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme and its role in inflammation.
Pain, redness, heat, and swelling, which are the markers of inflammation, follow the release of prostaglandins. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) reduce prostaglandins by blocking an enzyme which helps to produce them, called cyclooxygenase (COX). There are actually two COX enzymes in the body. They are COX-1 and COX-2. COX-1 is called the good COX enzyme, while COX-2 has earned the unflattering name as the bad enzyme. COX1 is easily identifiable and is important in regulating cell function. COX2, on the other hand, is generally undetectable in most tissues, but increases to high levels during acute inflammation. The COX2 enzyme is largely responsible for causing pain and inflammation. Injury, disease, and trauma cause COX2 enzyme to produce prostaglandins, which cause pain and inflammation. In contrast to the COX-2 enzyme, COX-1 enzyme is responsible for protecting the body’s stomach lining and kidneys. COX-2 is the key player in inflammation and pain. NSAIDs decrease the body’s production of both enzymes, thereby decreasing inflammation while at the same time causing harm to the stomach and its lining. The ideal situation would be to find a substance that inhibited only COX-2, but did not significantly affect COX-1.

Noni in pain and inflammatory condition.
Noni is a selective COX-2 inhibitor. Researchers at an independent research facility found that Noni was a selective inhibitor of COX-2 enzyme. In addition, the Noni did no damage to the COX1 enzyme.

Role of Scopoletin present in Noni in arthritis and inflammation.
Another reason for Noni’s pain fighting qualities may stem from several of its constituents. Noni has been shown to contain Scopoletin, which has anti inflammatory effects. Scopoletin is needed in the body for smooth joint movement. It also produces anti-histamine effects.

How Noni works.
The natural integrity of Noni is only part of the reason for its effectiveness. There are two additional reasons contribution to Noni's effectiveness for a broad range of conditions.

1. Unique Combinations of Substances.
For a fruit, Noni has an impressive combination of ingredients. It has a rich complement of vitamins and minerals; including A, B vitamins (including the rare B-12), C, E, Iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc and several trace minerals. It also has 17 of 20 amino acids. Terpenes, fungicides, adaptogens, glycosides, polysaccharides and other unique ingredients that even in small amounts can have significant physiological effects can be found in Noni. Studies show that NONI stimulates the immune system, regulates proper cell function, increases the ability of cells to absorb and utilize nutrients, inhibits tumor growth, and regenerates damaged cells. Probably the most unique ingredient is an alkaloid called xeronine. Xeronine has several important functions including regulating the many proteins in the body, activating inactive enzymes and improving cellular function. Noni also contains a substance called proxeronine, which can be stored in the liver according to Dr. Ralph Heinecke. Proxeronine, in turn, can be used to make xeronine, as needed.

2. Synergy of its Substances.
The many known, and even some of the unknown substances, come together in a way that supports the needs of many of our internal systems, concurrently. As the word synergy implies, these substances work far better in combination than they do separately. Many of the ingredients in Noni are found in varying amounts in other foods or herbs. There seems to be no known food or herb with either the rich list of substances or the high amounts of key substances all put together in one super food. Noni aids the body's natural healing abilities.

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